Welcome to Our Co-Op

PCHE is a 501c3 organization located in Bedford, VA. Our mission is to provide support, information and encouragement as a ministry to homeschooling moms through academic classes and extracurricular events. We do this with weekly meetings, field trips, community service and moms' nights out. Our community is the lifeblood of PCHE and what makes us unique.
Quick Facts
Nursery to High School
Pre-K to 1st: Enrichment
2nd to HS: History, Science, Writing and Electives (HS only)
Thaxton Baptist Church
Bedford, Virginia
To serve the homeschool community of Bedford

History of Peaksview Christian Home Educators
In 2015, the Lord burdened Mandie Grohs and Crystal Davis to start a co-op in their community. Having been involved in co-ops respectively in Lynchburg and Roanoke, they partnered to bring a co-op to Bedford County. The Lord solidified their mission to come alongside the homeschooling mom to support her as she homeschooled her children. Crystal and Mandie brought what they each loved about their previous co-ops and fused those elements together. They envisioned a community of homeschool families coming together for classes, field trips, and service projects. The co-op began with 19 families and grew to 35+ families cooperatively working together. As their children have grown and graduated, Mandie and Crystal sensed the Lord directing them to transfer the leadership within the co-op to continue what He had begun.